Omega 3 benefits and all you need to know including testing and free Quiz

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Almost everyone knows about the benefits of omega 3, but only some people know that these fats are the most important building material for all cells. The cell membrane is the key to health for all cells. When the cells unite, they create tissue that forms our organs, which combined together make bodily systems. Each of us has 12 systems in the body, and to be healthy, it is necessary to pay attention to the foundation – cells. A cell that has received a sufficient amount of fatty acids has a dense and flexible membrane. Such a membrane easily resists free radicals, toxins, and viruses. Cellular processes: energy production, DNA replication, and others will occur without disruption, and therefore the whole body will work well.

Omega 3 fatty acids benefits

With a deficiency of omega 3, our body uses other fats as compensation. This leads to an imbalance and violation of the optimal structure of the cell membrane, making it more vulnerable to viruses, DNA damage, and the formation of weak and atypical cells.

What are omega 3 fatty acids?

Omega 3 consists of four fatty acids, three of which are the most important and indispensable. Essential fatty acids are those that our bodies cannot synthesize. These fatty acids we must receive with food or in the form of supplements.

Essential unsaturated fatty acids omega 3:

  • Alpha-linoleic acid (ALA)
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)


EPA can be partially synthesized from ALA and subsequently transformed into DHA. This can happen only if an excellent genetic factor is present, which is responsible for this transformation. But unfortunately, most people lack this factor.

What are the benefits of omega 3?

Numerous studies have shown that the benefits of omega 3 positively affect all body systems. I would like to list the most important of them below.

  1. Quality building material. Firstly, omega 3 is a high-quality building material for all cells in our body.
  2. It helps lower cholesterol, especially triglycerides, which have recently been observed in many people in very high amounts (Kapoor, 2016), (1). An optimal cholesterol level creates the best conditions for preventing cardiovascular diseases and is an excellent preventive measure against the development of cognitive disorders.
  3. Antidepressant action. Among many benefits of omega 3, its anti-inflammatory effect plays a vital role in brain structural changes. The brain, namely the gray matter, has the highest concentration of DHA. Omega 3 is also necessary to release neurotransmitters responsible for emotions (Grosso et al., 2014), (2). It has been repeatedly confirmed that people suffering from psychological disorders such as decreased cognitive abilities, depression, apathy, and bipolarity have a low concentration of omegas. Optimal fatty acid levels may help prevent, progress, and treat depression.
  4. Positively affects intestinal microbiota. Several studies have shown changes in the gut microbiota after omega-3 consumption. In particular, a decrease in the number of “bad” bacteria and an increase in the number of “good bacteria,” as well as a positive effect on the integrity of the intestinal wall and interaction with immune cells (Costantini et al., 2017), (3).
  5. Pregnancy and child development. The benefits of omega 3 during pregnancy are of enormous importance. All the necessary elements for the baby’s development are collected from the mother’s body during pregnancy. Omega 3, especially DHA, is essential to forming the child’s brain and nervous system (Helland et al., 2003), (4).
  6. Numerous studies show that a sufficient amount of omega during pregnancy and at an early age reduces the risk of developing: developmental delay, autism, and ADHD* (Cusick et al., 2016), (5). More information about DHA and how it affects child’s health can be read in my recent article.* Syndrome of Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Health conditions that require optimization of omegas, especially omega 3.

All deviations from optimal health require omega optimization, but the below conditions and symptoms are the most needed.

  • Metabolic imbalances: diabetes and insulin residence
  • Skin conditions: psoriasis, acne, eczema, and dermatitis
  • Hormonal imbalances: menopause, infertility, and PCOS
  • Autoimmune diseases: Graves, Celiac, Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Cardiovascular deceases: all disorders of the blood vessels and heart
  • GIT disorders: IBS, Colitis, Excessive flatulence, Acid Reflux, and constipation

Also, before planning pregnancy, both partners should optimize their omega levels for healthy conniving of a baby.

Where to get enough fatty acids to get all the benefits of omega 3?

Unfortunately, the modern diet does not contain enough omega-3, and omega-6 is in excess. Therefore, it is essential to optimize the intake of omega-3 through conscious nutrition and supplements.

It is important! Unsaturated omega fatty acids in high concentrations are found only in fish that grew up in wild conditions.

The following oily fish contains the highest concentration of polyunsaturated omega-3 – SMASH (sardines, mackerel, anchovies, salmon, herrings):

Fatty fish SMASH:

  • herring
  • salmon
  • sardines
  • mackerel
  • anchovies

Other foods that have small amounts are seaweed, walnuts, almonds, hemp seeds, and flax seeds.

Omega 3 from plant origin (ALA – Alpha-linolenic acid) is incomplete and will never be sufficient to get all the benefits of omega 3 for the needs of our body.

Would you like to find out your approximate omega-3 intake? Click on the link below and do the quiz I created.Omega 3 benefits

Go to the link: online omega-3 quiz.

The quiz will take less than one minute and will give you immediately your approximate daily intake of omega 3.


To have a good concentration of omega 3 in the body, the diet must include oily fish grown in wild conditions 3 times a week. If it is not possible to eat such fish and with such frequency, then it is necessary to provide omega 3 with the help of dietary supplements. Learn how to choose high-quality omega supplements and other helpful tips in my article.


If you have any disease or want to optimize your fatty acids, I recommend doing a blood test. This test will provide information on the concentrations of different omegas in your cells.

The lab I work with was founded in 2009 by the co-author of the Omega Index, Dr. Bill Harris. The lab is located in England and has branches in Australia and the USA. The tests offered by this laboratory can be done anywhere worldwide thanks to the innovative blood drop testing format.

What does the test include?

The test includes markers of omega-3 and 6, as well as the other 32 fatty acids. This test you can do from the comfort of your home. All you need is only one drop of blood! This method helps to easily, safely, and accurately analyze all the fatty acid markers from home.

The test includes:

  • Omega-3 index
  • Omega-6 index
  • The ratio of 3:6
  • AA: ERA ratio
  • Index of trans fats
  • 32 other unsaturated fatty acids

If you would like to find out more information about the Omega test or purchase it visit our online store.

If you want to receive personal recommendations regarding your health, book a nutritional consultation with one of our specialists in the Clinic of Functional Medicine and Nutrition in Tunbridge Wells.

I hope you found useful the information in my article, if you have any comments please post them and don’t forget to share it on your social media, so more people will benefit form it.