Functional Medicine (FM) is an alternative holistic health approach for preventing and managing diseases based on scientific evidence.

Functional Medicine’s main aims are to identify the root causes of disease and optimize health to 360 degrees. Addressing the problem at the “roots” level, rather than eliminating the symptoms, gives long-lasting results. A doctor who works according to the Functional Medicine method understands that a pathology, for example – obesity, can be the result and, at the same time, a mediator, which can predispose to the development of other diseases.

Functional Medicine

FM first evaluates all triggers, antecedents, and mediators that lead to poor health. These health-damaging factors can be genetic or acquired; they predispose an individual to disease. Here are some of them:

  • stress
  • social factors
  • bad eating habits
  • bad hydration habits
  • genetic predisposition
  • lack of regular exercise
  • toxic accumulation (heavy metals, chlorine, etc.)
  • bacteria (H. Pylori), viruses (HPV), yeast (Candida), and other parasites

Each person is an individual, and factors contributing to poor health will be unique; the FM Practitioner will analyze all of them to create a personalized treatment plan.

The Traditional vs. Functional Medicine

Traditional Medicine Approach

The traditional medicine model focuses on treatment to eliminate symptoms, which is increasingly considered the wrong approach. One of the biggest problems in the conventional approach is the need for preventative medicine. Chronic diseases started to be very common even at a young age. They arise due to the interaction between genes, environment, and lifestyle, and only by influencing these factors can they be eradicated. This is precisely what Functional Medicine Approach does.

“We are not our genes; we are the manifestation of our genes.”

Everyone has genetic predispositions, but genes affect our health by only 20%, and 80% of our health depends on and can be modulated by many factors, including environment, lifestyle, nutrition, physical activity, rest, stress, sociality, and spirituality. Therefore, our lifestyle and the influence of environmental factors can massively contribute to preventing the occurrence of many pathologies by “turning on” or “turning off” the activity of genes.

FM does not contradict traditional medicine; it combines diagnostics with innovative methods and uses personalized systems and integrated approaches.

Functional Medicine Approach

Each person is a unique and complex system influenced by many factors, including environment, lifestyle, and physiology (genetic predisposition). These determine the basis for good health or disease. Chronic pathologies are preceded by a period in which one or more body functions gradually decline. FM examines them individually to find the root causes to prevent or address health issues.

The Functional Medicine Approach uses special testing tools, clinical data, and anamneses to create a personalized program which includes the following steps:

Functional Medicine Approach:

  • Proper nutrition: choosing the right products rich in micro and macro-nutrients, quality proteins, healthy fatty acids, and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. Adequate nutrition is the base of the optimal function of all body systems.
  • Physical activity: movement is a fundamental factor for the properly functioning of all bodily organs and systems. Therefore, it must be personalized according to the needs of each stage of life and physical capability.
  • Lifestyle: stress management, sleep, and rest. Balance in these areas allows the body to recover and recharge physically, emotionally, and mentally.
  • Supplements: In case of nutrient deficiencies, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants should be integrated to help rebalance the body. Functional Medicine practitioners advise on specific therapeutic doses, the concentration of active ingredients, and duration.
  • Biochemistry and other tests. One should optimize blood and other markers that are not in an optimal range to regain health.

FM uses a “Systemic” approach:

Traditional health care looks at a specific organ and works with it, whereas is Functional Medicine Approach is systemic and on the cellular level. It goes beyond anatomical boundaries: assimilation of nutrients, defense systems, cellular repair, mitochondrial energy production, structural integrity, detoxification and biotransformation, cellular communication, and transport mechanisms.

FM principles:

  • offers evidence-based protocols
  • applies a system-based approach
  • uses only noninvasive tests and treatments
  • reflects and looks at biochemical individuality
  • searches and addresses the root causes of the symptoms
  • develops a step-by-step action plan to support bodily systems in need
  • engages collaboration between the functional medicine practitioner and the client
  • considers all factors that affect our health (lifestyle, nutrition, psychology, hydration, toxic exposure, etc.)

The functional Medicine Approach is the best solution to address chronic conditions non-invasively. During the consultation, patients share their worries, symptoms, and illnesses for which they would like support. The practitioner created a step-by-step plan, and the collaboration began.

The personalized treatment plan aims to restore, heal and balance vital body systems through nourishment and other health-promoting practices. Nutritional Therapy with a Functional Medicine Approach is now available online in Tunbridge Wells, Rusthall, Tonbridge, Forest Row, Kent. Book your nutritional consultation with one of our Nutritional Therapists that follows the Functional Medicine approach.